Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My temper is going from bad to worse

I feel so bad today. I quarelled with mumster because she packed my organised mess.
And being anal, I really hate it when people touch my things. Wah lao, already no privacy with mumster poking her nose into everything in my life - even what i wear and how i comb my hair, my room she also 'bu fang guo'. So today I really was quite mad.

But now, felt so sorry that I quarelled with her. She packed my room out of good gesture coz my room is really messy. Yes, my room is messier than twinkie tay's room. haha..

I discover that my temper is getting worse these days, I have become so impatient, even more quick tempered, want to scold people all the time, irritable, hai! What is wrong with me? This is really terrible because my family members are the recipient of my moods. I think I super duper pms.

I think I roughly found out why my temper become so bad. My lifestyle has been work work work, I have even skipped my exercise regime. I have become sluggish and slow and ultimate lazy! Can you believe it - I'm too lazy to get my ass down to collect letters? I'm super duper late in paying bills this month. I need to snap out from my lazy trance!!!!!

So this is what I plan to do:
1. Resume exercise regime, at least 3 times a week.
2. Go running once I hit home, even though dying of hunger. Once I ate, normally i will lie on sofa and become part of it
3. Seriously consider to sign up with fitness coach.
4. Go yoga class with Twink, once a week. Nah bei, I cant find my yoga pants yesterday, I really want to cry on the spot - see, told you my mood is ?????
5. Stop taking naps on weekends. Man, this is really tough. I always feel sleepy in the afternoon, and i always end up sleeping whole day. After I wake up, normally will feel lousy. So when feeling sleepy, I will go house gym, do DIY haircare, do DIY facecare, read books by pool or go out.

Okay, this is my action plans to get back to my healthy lifestyle. I must do this!!!!


twinkle said...
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twinkle said...

Where got ambitious? I am so proud to be part of your plan! hee hee...onz ah...must chio me go run although i think sometimes i slow u down! But no matter what...GANBATEI! You can do it!

Nono said...

of course will jio you lah. Please MOTIVATE ME to keep to my REGIME!!!