Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The meaning of twink

ding dong.
as usual, morning very bored, engine still starting - so im checking out all your blogs.
then my fantastic fingers pressed 'enter' before i can complete my spelling on twinkie..
and guess what, i saw this:

Twink (gay slang)
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A twink
The label of Twink is used in
gay slang to describe an attractive young or young-looking gay male (usually 18-22) with a slender build, a slight muscular physique, and little or no body hair. In some societies the term "chick" is preferred.
Originally, the term referred exclusively to blonds, but among
gay people the term has become increasingly inclusive to refer to other young men whose physical features match those principally described above, but are not blond or even Caucasian.
The term twink is often modifed by various descriptors such as butch twink, femme twink, Euro twink, or muscle twink.

So "fat twink" stands for FAT attractive young or young-looking gay male (usually 18-22) with a slender build, a slight muscular physique, and little or no body hair. OMG...hahaha...

ta - laterz..